Neighbors United is joining other neighborhoods across Pennsylvania for a Spring cleaning. On Saturday, April 18th from 9 am to noon, our neighborhood Block Captains and leaders will be looking for help to make our community a cleaner place. There are a few target areas that we wish to clean up, but more helpers will allow us to expand to every street in our neighborhood. Volunteers will receive all the necessary tools and supplies to get started. If you are interested in making your community a cleaner place, please complete the form below or contact Timm Wegner. Help Us Spread the Word About LIHEAP and this great opportunity we have to hear from Jessica Long. Friends, Jessica Long will be our guest speaker on Wednesday, March 18th from 7 pm to 8 pm at the Ebenezer Baptist Church (corner of E New and N Lime - entrance at parking lot). We look forward to learning more about ways to keep our homes comfortable all year long.
79 adults, six children, 16 lbs of spaghetti, homemade sauce and delicious desserts. The Ross Street United Methodist Church and Monte Gerizim congregations partnered with Neighbors United and raised more than $750 towards the Safer, Greener, Cleaner initiative. As we seek to improve the quality of life in our community, we are grateful for partnerships like this. Thank you to all for a wonderful evening! photos courtesy of Kathlene C. Sullivan - Lancaster City Alliance |
December 2020