Join us on Wednesday, September 16th from 7 pm to 8 pm at the Ebenezer Baptist Church (corner of E New and N Lime - entrance at parking lot) for a community meeting hosted by Lancaster City Council Members John Graupera, Barbara Wilson and James Reichenbach.
We look forward to meeting our councilman as they share their vision for our neighborhood and the city. If you have any questions or concerns for the council members, please email Andrew Whalen and he will forward your questions. The answers will be shared at the meeting as well as in the meeting minutes. For more information, visit: Lancaster City Council
Lancaster City Alliance Receives Grant from Santander Bank Foundation for use in NE Revitalization8/21/2015
We welcome Adorable Baby Clothing, located on 302 East New Street, as a small business partner. Millie Kauffman, owner, believes in second chances. ABC is not just a store which gives clothing a second chance, it is also a reflection of her own victories in life that gave her a second chance to do what she really wanted to do.
Adorable Baby Clothing (ABC) supports our Safer, Greener, Cleaner initiative by donating 10% of their profits. To learn more about Adorable Baby Clothing, visit: Adorable Baby Clothing We welcome Stubby's Bar & Grille, located on 254 E Frederick Street, as a small business partner. Stubby's is a favorite place for neighbors to connect over a drink while enjoying great food. Stubby's is a local landmark and has become a very popular destination.
Our neighborhood values the relationship we have with Claude and his staff. We can always depend on Claude to be a great neighbor, by keeping the sidewalks clear and taking good care of his property. We look forward to working together to improve the quality of life through a safer, greener and cleaner Lancaster City. To learn more about Stubby's Bar & Grille, visit: http://www.stubbysbarandgrille.com/ Do you know your block captain?
If your answer is "yes", great! Block Captains serve our community in many different capacities. They take the time to get to know their neighbors. They contact them with important news and invite them to community events. They report neighbors' concerns and serve as a link between them and various city organizations, including the LCA Bike Ambassadors. Most importantly, Block Captains look for opportunities to support the neighborhood. They may lend a hand by shoveling your sidewalk, raking leaves, picking up trash or even bringing in your groceries. Essentially, your Block Captain is a good neighbor. If you answered "no", don't worry. There are many blocks without a designated block captain. Do you know someone who could fit that role? Maybe yourself? To learn more about becoming a Block Captain, visit: http://www.neighborsunitedlancaster.com/block-captains.html Ross Street UMC, Otterbein UMC and Neighbors United partnered together for a community yard sale on Saturday, June 20th. Proceeds from the event benefit Neighbors United Safer, Cleaner, Greener initiative.
Despite the early morning rain and an unfavorable forecast, our neighbors turned out and found some amazing deals. Table rentals raised nearly $250 that will directly benefit our efforts in the community. ![]() After 100 meetings involving over 1,000 constituents, the Lancaster City Alliance (LCA) unveiled the Economic Development Strategy Plan yesterday. Speaking to a packed event at the Ware Center, Mayor J Richard Gray and LCA members highlighted past successes, such as bringing the Barnstormers to Lancaster and building the Lancaster County Convention Center, and offered a glimpse of what our city could become when we build on our strengths. What are some of the strengths we can build upon? Culture and community, the downtown, continued investment, a movement to shop and eat local, great commercial hubs, talented individuals, accessibility to nearby metropolises and bountiful farmland, diversity, a city with a deep history, and many partnerships that bring everything together. The plan has the potential to generate $1 billion in growth, mostly through private investment. When you view a map of targeted growth, key areas of the development form spokes from a central downtown core. Once such corridor is the New Holland Avenue corridor that borders our neighborhood on the east side. A major gateway into our neighborhood is where East Ross Street and New Holland Avenue intersect. Another major gateway into our neighborhood forms along our southern border with East Walnut Street. Both of these areas are poised for growth. Our group, Neighbors United, embraces the strategies set forth by this ambitious plan. Residents and businesses alike will certainly benefit from the quality of life improvements proposed. A more walkable and bikeable community, with the right mix of housing and businesses that cater to our residents, will not only make our lives more pleasant, it will help close the gap of the more than $400 million that is spent by residents outside our city every year. Your investment in Neighbors United in paving the way for a Safer, Greener and Cleaner community where people want to live, work and shop. Our partnership with LCA promises to bring the quality of life improvements you expect and cultivate the businesses you need. Within our borders are 3,000 households -- we are one of the most residential areas in our city. Imagine how different your day would be if you could walk to get everything you need. Imagine what our neighborhood would look like if local businesses in turn reinvested into the community. This is what our partnership with the Lancaster City Alliance is all about. For more information, visit: http://www.lancastercityalliance.org/building-on-strength/ #BuildingonStrength
I’m in… Neighbors United exists because of neighbors like you who want to improve the quality of life in our neighborhood. You can donate online, write a check to the LCA, or contact us to talk with you about your gift.
Donate Online: https://www.firstgiving.com/Page/2978214/Donation Write a Check: Lancaster City Alliance PROJECT: "Neighbors United Cleaner, Greener, Safer" Tax ID: 46-3353021 354 N Prince St., Lancaster, PA, US, 17603 Lancaster PA 17603 Contact Us: Andrew Whalen - Co-Chair Neighbors United Email: [email protected] Phone: (717) 598-7441 |
December 2020